Privacy Policy

Chronos IOS Application

We are committed to respecting your privacy. We do not collect personal information from the Chronos App. Data you enter into the Chronos App is stored locally on your device - it is not sent to us and we have no access to it.

If you contact us, we may collect personal information (eg: name, email, phone) for the purposes of providing you with support and responding to your enquiry.

Chronos Website

When you visit our website we collect the following types of personal information: your IP address, browser type and version, operating systems and platforms. Metrics such as the pages viewed, time spent on pages, click stream path are also collected. This information is collected using a Third Party provider - Google Analytics.

This information is collected to allow analysis of the way the site is used, to enable maintenance and improvement.

If you contact us, we may collect personal information (eg: name, email, phone) for the purposes of providing you with support and responding to your enquiry.

Last updated: 1st October 2021.

We reserve the right to update this policy at any time and for any reason.